Friday, September 22, 2017

Supreme Court / Presidency compromise?

It has just occurred to me, after reviewing and posting Supreme Court plans today, that perhaps there is a simpler way that could better satisfy the American public.

Last year, I proposed a new Presidential election formula that would retain but reduce states' influence, making the popular vote count for more, which most people view as increasingly important.

My Federal Elector Panel plan for appointing Supreme Court judges is another plan that contains concessions to the pro-state crowd, since the President, who is chosen partly by states instead of humans, is the one who currently chooses our Justices, and therefore it makes sense to continue the state influence there.

Wouldn't it be an elegant solution for state legislatures to choose the Panel of Federal Electors (which will appoint Supreme Court and possibly other officials such as FBI director), and allow the American public to finally have one undiluted popular-vote election, for President?

And don't try to lecture me about the need for Presidential Electors.  The concept was tested in 2016, and it failed the test, partly because the states and people of our country reject the concept of Presidential Electors being anything more than completely unnecessary messengers.

(Just for the record, they used the word "elector" in the Constitution the way we today use the word "voter," we know this because they referred to the people who choose Representatives as "electors," and the word "voter" does not appear in the Constitution.  So it's clear to me that choosing of Presidential Electors was supposed to be choosing a local smart person, who would, with the other smart people, vote for President.)

Anyway, this compromise would keep and even strengthen the small states' influence over the Supreme Court, while allowing the majority of the American people to finally choose their own President.  The Court would stay weirdly conservative, while standing independent of Presidential politics, and rotating out on a regular basis.  The President would become more concerned about more people, as Presidents should be.